What is Conversion Rate?

Have you people ever noticed the markup of campaigns for the publicity and promotion plus advertising and growth of a certain product, app, or other commodities on a mobile advertising platform such as Instagram clicking on which takes you to a page to get signed in and register if interested? This exact approach of mobile advertising can implement various measures of publicizing an event. From here on, conversion rate plays the role. How? Read on to figure out.

Conversion Rate

The percentage of the users who have accomplished a desired action of an event(for instance a click by a user is counted as unit over a certain ad) presentedby a website or app or any social media channels is known as conversion rate.

Conversion rate is calculated by dividing the number of users who completed a desired task by the mass number of entire audience to which the action or event is presented on the platform.

For instance; there is an advertisement campaign executed by an advertiser or owner of the event where,

No. of users = 700

Total audience = 9000

Conversion Rate = 700/9000 = 0.07

This implies that there was the conversion rate of 7% in this event publicising.

Conversion Rate Optimization is another co-related term in this advertisement practice that we will discuss later in the article.

When conversion rate is determined of an event through respective channels, they prominently help to indicate the success or failure of that campaign. Since it demonstrates the number of users who proactively participated out of the entire scale of viewers or audience, it helps to improvise the areas that need to be focused on for further improvement through innovative ideas to influence the conversion rate. ROI expectations are also set through conversion rate approach.

Furthermore, conversion rate can also be referred to as the percentage of users who went on Appstore to install a rendered app and ran in-app action at a moment. How does this benefit? Well, the owners or the advertisers can assess the performance of their app events to evaluate the measures that the elements of the site or app need to be engrossed upon.

Conversion rate analysis can reveal which channels are most effective for promoting a particular app, helping an advertiser to determine the effectiveness of their copy and use it to guide strategic decisions. If your data shows that a conversion rate is lower than expected, they can also be used to spot issues with an app’s UX that is when the users face inconvenience logging is or signing up to new accounts.

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Conversion rate optimization is the methods to increase the conversion rate of a particular scenario or event such as a hosted application or website by enabling ideas and techniques to improve and work on the elements of the event.


Adjust offers several solutions to help businesses measure and compare campaign conversion rates effectively. advertisers and marketers to identify where conversions come from, sending conversion data to either Adjust’s dashboard or a custom alternative for future measurement.

Conversion rates are therefore important and necessitated to direct the attention to the areas of potential improvement that could eventually increase the conversion rates in the mobile user acquisition of several advertisement campaigns on social handles and app initialization procedures on Appstore.

It enables better results and updates of the previously rendered app services or a campaign/event on a website.